Christopher Wyllie is a Scottish born, Canadian raised, American trained Actor, Writer and Director. Chris has worked professionally as an Actor since 2004 and continues to be a prominent player in the Canadian and American Film and Television Industry. After attending the American Academy of Dramatic Arts in Los Angeles, California, Chris has worked in such high level productions as Star Trek, The United States vs Billie Holiday, and No Easy Days, as well as worked and trained with such high level professionals as Lee Daniels, Alfred Molina, William H. Macy, Garrett Hedlund, Misha Barton and many more. Chris has just finished Writing, Directing and Starring in the upcoming film The Hejira Frequency and is currently working on many more projects. Apart from being a working professional in the industry, Chris is also a dedicated Teacher and Coach for up and coming actors. Chris uses the skills taught to him in LA to give his students a Hollywood level approach to the Process and Craft of Acting.